關於PS Move
在PlayStation的動態控制器, 用來玩運動遊戲的。
About the PS Move
The PlayStation Move is Sony’s motion controller designed for motion-based gaming experiences.
將PS Move用USB插上Windows 11後, 在控制台中會出現Motion Controller, 但按鈕沒有任何反應。
Connecting PS Move to Windows
When plugging the PS Move into a Windows 11 system via USB, the device appears in the Control Panel as a "Motion Controller"; however, the buttons remain unresponsive.
安裝後桌面上會有兩個捷徑: PSMService和PSMoveConfigTool
以管理員身份執行service, 然後執行config tool進行連線.
Setup Procedure
Download the PSMoveSteamVRBridge from GitHub: PSMoveSteamVRBridge on GitHub
After installation, two shortcuts should appear on the desktop: PSMService and PSMoveConfigTool.
Run PSMService as an administrator, then launch PSMoveConfigTool to proceed with pairing.
libusb: error [windows_get_device_list] program assertion failed - existing device should share parent
參考資料: https://www.reddit.com/r/PSVRHack/comments/ar0xkm/ps_move_controllers_not_pairing_to_psmove_service/
AsyncBluetoothPairDeviceRequest - Bluetooth device matching the given address is the expected controller type
參考資料: https://github.com/psmoveservice/PSMoveService/issues/653
將原來的Motion Controller取消配對, 然後再試一次.
AsyncBluetoothPairDeviceRequest - Failed to open registry key, it does not yet exist
這是一個bug, 可參考這裡然後找到兩個修改過的執行檔. 下載後取代原來的執行檔就可以了.
然後做Controller Calibration, 分別執行Calibrate Magnetometer和Calibrate Gyroscope.
完成後把config tool可service都關掉.
Error Messages and Solutions
libusb: error [windows_get_device_list] program assertion failed - existing device should share parent
- Solution: Unpair the existing "Motion Controller" entry, then try reconnecting the device.
- Reference: Reddit thread on pairing issues
AsyncBluetoothPairDeviceRequest - Failed to open registry key, it does not yet exist
- Solution: This is a known bug. Follow this GitHub issue link to locate two patched executable files. Replace the existing files to resolve the issue.
After troubleshooting, perform Controller Calibration by running both the Calibrate Magnetometer and Calibrate Gyroscope processes.
Once configuration is complete, both PSMoveConfigTool and PSMService can be closed. Only reopen them if recalibration is necessary.
1. 以USB和藍芽接上PS Move都會在系統中辨識出Motion Controller, 但USB那個是沒有作用的, 可以把它刪掉。只有透過藍芽連接的才能使用。
2. 網上有人說不要用筆電自己的藍芽接收器, 要另外用ASUS的藍芽接收器。但其實沒有這個必要, 就用原有的藍芽接收器就可以了。
3. PS Move沒有電源開關, 它會自動偵測藍芽連線狀態, 在藍芽掉線時自動關閉電源。所以最簡單的方式可以按下飛行模式按鈕關閉藍芽, 等PS Move關閉後再按下飛行模式按鈕重新開啟藍芽。
Additional Notes
Both USB and Bluetooth connections will initially recognize the PS Move as a "Motion Controller" in the system. However, the USB connection is non-functional and can be removed, as only the Bluetooth connection enables use.
Some users recommend using an external Bluetooth receiver (such as ASUS brand) rather than a laptop’s built-in receiver. However, this is generally unnecessary—your existing Bluetooth receiver should work without issue.
The PS Move lacks a power switch. It automatically detects Bluetooth connection status and powers down when disconnected. The simplest way to turn it off is by activating airplane mode to disable Bluetooth. Once the PS Move turns off, you can disable airplane mode to reconnect Bluetooth.