
星期四, 11月 07, 2024

Acer Predator Helios 16, GTX4060, Pimax Crystal Light

 NVIDIA GPU活動可以看到有哪些應用程式在GPU上執行, 還有哪些顯示器在GPU上執行。

The NVIDIA GPU activity monitor allows you to see which applications are running on the GPU and which displays are connected to it.

PredatorSense可以設定使用Optimus(Intel顯示卡)還是NVIDIA GPU。如果選擇NVIDIA GPU, 那重開機後所有程式都會在GPU上執行。這是最省事的方式,但可能不是硬體資源最有效率的運用方式。因為你的GPU可能會被一些不太需要使用GPU的程式佔滿了。


PredatorSense enables you to select between using Optimus (Intel graphics) or the NVIDIA GPU. If you choose the NVIDIA GPU, all programs will run on it after a reboot. This is the easiest approach, but it may not be the most efficient use of hardware resources, as your GPU could become occupied with applications that don’t actually require it.

The optimal setting is to use "Automatic Selection."

在連接Pimax Crystal Light(PCL)時如果沒有設定好,會遇到幾個問題。

首先是PCL無法順利連接。PCL要能順利連接, 必需讓一些相關的程式在GPU上執行, 包括

When connecting the Pimax Crystal Light (PCL), you may encounter some issues if the settings are not configured correctly.

The first issue is that PCL may fail to connect. For a successful connection, several associated programs must run on the GPU, including:






最簡單的方式就是在PredatorSense中直接設定 "僅限NVIDIA GPU", 重開機後這些必要的程式一定會在GPU上執行。

但這麼一來所有程式都會在GPU上執行, GPU有可能會過載或記憶體不足。

所以最好的方式還是用 "自動選擇", 然後在NVIDIA設定中指令哪些應用程式要在GPU上執行。

叫中NVIDIA控制面版, 點選 "管理3D設定", 然後點選 "程式設定"。按下 "新增", 將前面所說需要在GPU上執行的應用程式加進去, 並設定慣用的圖形處理器為 "高效能NVIDIA處理器"。


The simplest solution is to set PredatorSense to "NVIDIA GPU Only" mode. After rebooting, these necessary programs will automatically run on the GPU.

However, this setting will cause all programs to run on the GPU, potentially leading to GPU overload or insufficient memory. The best approach is to use "Automatic Selection" and configure specific applications to run on the GPU through the NVIDIA settings.

To do this, open the NVIDIA Control Panel, select "Manage 3D settings," and then go to "Program Settings." Click "Add" and include the programs that need to run on the GPU, setting the preferred graphics processor to "High-performance NVIDIA Processor."

This will ensure that these specific programs use the GPU.

PCL順利連接後,在Device settings的General頁面中可以選擇Experience Home,可以在PCL中看到虛擬桌面。

Once PCL is successfully connected, you can select "Experience Home" on the "General" tab in Device Settings to view a virtual desktop on PCL.


這有幾種解決方式,一是如前所述,直接在PredatorSense中設定全部以NVIDIA GPU執行。


If you see a blank screen on the desktop, it means the display is not running on the GPU.

There are a few ways to resolve this. The first, as previously mentioned, is to set PredatorSense to run all programs on the NVIDIA GPU.

If you prefer not to use this method, open the NVIDIA Control Panel and select "Manage Display Mode."

這裡我想設定以NVIDIA GPU驅動筆電的顯示器。但你可能發現無法點選這個選項,原因是因為你的外接螢幕佔用了。這時你必需把外接螢幕拔掉(沒錯! 光是切換成單螢幕或是關掉外接螢幕電源是沒有用的,必需把HDMI插頭真的拔掉), 這樣你就可以選擇用NVIDIA GPU驅動筆電的螢幕。

這樣一來,你在Pimax Experience中看到的虛擬桌面就會是正常的。

如果不想這麼麻煩, 還有另外一個方式。就是在Pimax Experience中選擇看外接螢幕的桌面,不要管筆電的螢幕了!

Here, you may want to set the laptop display to be driven by the NVIDIA GPU. However, you may find this option unavailable if an external monitor is connected. In that case, you’ll need to unplug the external monitor completely (simply switching to single-screen mode or turning off the external monitor won't work; you must physically unplug the HDMI cable). Once the external monitor is disconnected, you’ll be able to choose the option to run the laptop display using the NVIDIA GPU.

This should ensure that the virtual desktop in Pimax Experience displays correctly.

If you want a simpler solution, you can also select to view the external monitor's desktop in Pimax Experience and ignore the laptop display.

星期四, 10月 31, 2024

將PS Move控制器接上Windows 11使用(Using PS Move on Windows 11)

關於PS Move

在PlayStation的動態控制器, 用來玩運動遊戲的。

About the PS Move

The PlayStation Move is Sony’s motion controller designed for motion-based gaming experiences.


將PS Move用USB插上Windows 11後, 在控制台中會出現Motion Controller, 但按鈕沒有任何反應。

Connecting PS Move to Windows

When plugging the PS Move into a Windows 11 system via USB, the device appears in the Control Panel as a "Motion Controller"; however, the buttons remain unresponsive.



安裝後桌面上會有兩個捷徑: PSMService和PSMoveConfigTool

以管理員身份執行service, 然後執行config tool進行連線.

Setup Procedure

  1. Download the PSMoveSteamVRBridge from GitHub: PSMoveSteamVRBridge on GitHub

  2. After installation, two shortcuts should appear on the desktop: PSMService and PSMoveConfigTool.

  3. Run PSMService as an administrator, then launch PSMoveConfigTool to proceed with pairing.


libusb: error [windows_get_device_list] program assertion failed - existing device should share parent


AsyncBluetoothPairDeviceRequest - Bluetooth device matching the given address is the expected controller type



將原來的Motion Controller取消配對, 然後再試一次.


AsyncBluetoothPairDeviceRequest - Failed to open registry key, it does not yet exist


這是一個bug, 可參考這裡然後找到兩個修改過的執行檔. 下載後取代原來的執行檔就可以了.

然後做Controller Calibration, 分別執行Calibrate Magnetometer和Calibrate Gyroscope.

完成後把config tool可service都關掉.

Error Messages and Solutions

  1. Error: libusb: error [windows_get_device_list] program assertion failed - existing device should share parent

  2. Error: AsyncBluetoothPairDeviceRequest - Failed to open registry key, it does not yet exist

    • Solution: This is a known bug. Follow this GitHub issue link to locate two patched executable files. Replace the existing files to resolve the issue.
  3. After troubleshooting, perform Controller Calibration by running both the Calibrate Magnetometer and Calibrate Gyroscope processes.

  4. Once configuration is complete, both PSMoveConfigTool and PSMService can be closed. Only reopen them if recalibration is necessary.


 1. 以USB和藍芽接上PS Move都會在系統中辨識出Motion Controller, 但USB那個是沒有作用的, 可以把它刪掉。只有透過藍芽連接的才能使用。 

 2. 網上有人說不要用筆電自己的藍芽接收器, 要另外用ASUS的藍芽接收器。但其實沒有這個必要, 就用原有的藍芽接收器就可以了。

3. PS Move沒有電源開關, 它會自動偵測藍芽連線狀態, 在藍芽掉線時自動關閉電源。所以最簡單的方式可以按下飛行模式按鈕關閉藍芽, 等PS Move關閉後再按下飛行模式按鈕重新開啟藍芽。

Additional Notes

  1. Both USB and Bluetooth connections will initially recognize the PS Move as a "Motion Controller" in the system. However, the USB connection is non-functional and can be removed, as only the Bluetooth connection enables use.

  2. Some users recommend using an external Bluetooth receiver (such as ASUS brand) rather than a laptop’s built-in receiver. However, this is generally unnecessary—your existing Bluetooth receiver should work without issue.

  3. The PS Move lacks a power switch. It automatically detects Bluetooth connection status and powers down when disconnected. The simplest way to turn it off is by activating airplane mode to disable Bluetooth. Once the PS Move turns off, you can disable airplane mode to reconnect Bluetooth.

星期六, 10月 12, 2024


印象中好像從Windows 10開始, Microsoft開始在推帳號整合, 把一些軟體訂閱和Windows整合在一起。

要使用Office 365就要有Microsoft帳戶, 而設定好Office 365後, 我的Windows就改用Microsoft帳號登入了。

這在一般使用時都沒什麼問題, 但遇到以前像是資料夾分享或是遠端登入這類需要本機認證的功能, 一直都搞不懂怎麼輸入才對, 總是重覆出現認證錯誤。

網路上找也找不出什麼有用的訊息, 大都只有說明Windows本機帳戶和Microsoft帳戶有什麼區別。

今天花了一些時間研究, 終於搞懂了!

原來, 在輸入使用者名稱時, 要寫清楚你是用那台電腦的本機帳號還是Microsoft帳戶。

例如, 如果Microsoft帳戶是, 就輸入



星期三, 9月 25, 2024


 Office這幾年的進步真的很有感, Outlook和微軟其他應用程式的整合度愈來愈完整。在建立會議邀請時會自動產生teams的會議連結; 要分享檔案可以用OneDrive而且自動轉成易讀的超連結文字。所有的這些都讓使用的滿意度大大地提升。

而這其中, 我唯一還是不習慣的就是用Edge開啟Outlook的超連結。尤其對我來我大部份的網路服務設定都是跟著Chrome走的。所以我其實很希望在Outlook中點下超連結時, 可以用Chrome開啟, 而不是用Edge開。

這問題 "困擾" 了我好一陣子, 老實說我也沒有很認真找答案。今天痛定思痛, 把這個問題解決了。


  1. 在Outlook中選檔案 -> 選項
  2. 點進階, 然後在 "開啟來自 Outlook 的超連結:" 把 "Microsoft Edge" 改成 "預設瀏覽器"
  3. 按下確定
如果預設瀏覽器是Chrome, 那之後Outlook中的超連結就會用Chrome開啟。

星期日, 12月 11, 2022


